So sorry for the lack of posts. Alot's been happening, what with work / school / life. Also trying to get a band together. It's more or less still in the gutters right now, have to get back to that later. Also, I've been adding to the "My heart is a Jerk" tag on, check it out for good enough music that'll pass by your time (if you have any). So, yeah. Here'sMegafaun , a homey folk-noir trio from North Carolina. Originally started out with the Bon Iver guy aka(Justin Vernon), though he made like a banana and split. Still, Megafaun has their sound firmly cemented, and man do they make sundays a hella lot easier on the ears. Their latest , "Gather, Form & Fly" (another well-named album, dont you think?) was released sometime July '09 via Hometape Records.
Here's a Vid of "Impressions of the Past", which is in the album.
The sole purpose of this blog is the sharing and recommendation of music, and the links provided are for sampling purposes only. Buying the music we enjoy is highly encouraged, via (or anywhere else for that matter). Support the music you love, and they would keep on regurgitating songs for you. Cheers!
If you have material of your own and wish to see it posted here, drop me an email with a link to a sample of your work. If it's good, it'll be my pleasure to post!
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What's a hineinfüllen o.o;