Sunday, August 1, 2010

Belleruche ▼ [Turntable Soul Music]

Nu-jazz (despite the stigma caused by anything tagged 'Nu'/'Neu'), is really a decent sub-genre, one which doesn't cause Jazz listeners to run headlong into walls (intentionally). Its rising in popularity too, maybe because its so much easier to get into, as compared to true Jazz, what with their long improvisations, would be abit dry to the untamed ear, mine included. Add in butter-smooth vocals, which is ever prominent here (see Yukimi Nagano (Koop/Little Dragon) but we'll touch on the swedish-jap a little while later, she deserves awhole section to herself ha-ha.

Enter Belleruche, a UK 3-man (and woman)- combo, formed half a decade ago, is worth looking into. Karthin, vocals, delivers her lines well, accompanied by beats by DJ Modest, and his counterpart - Ricky Fabulous (no, I didn't make his name up). They'd be releasing a highly anticipated third album, titled - (270 Stories)
via the Tru-Thoughts label, of which the three have been meticulously producing with for the past few months. What more can I say, they're good. Meanwhile waiting for 270 Stories, go listen to 'Turntable Soul Music'.

Belleruche 'Clockwatching'

(a single from their newest, (270 Stories), scheduled to be released on 11th October 2010)

Belleruche ▼ [Turntable Soul Music]
Try it.
Buy it.

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